In terms of the environment
  • En-De

The topic of the environment is not new, yet it is currently in everyone's head. Many individuals and companies try to make their everyday life and/or internal & external processes as sustainable as possible. The spectrum of measures in favor of the environment is large, so that everyone can leave even a small positive contribution. Even outside MEGABOARD, many employees live a more conscious lifestyle, such as eating healthier, cycling instead of driving, avoiding plastic and reusing.

MEGABOARD has successfully switched to a PVC-free alternative after a long research and final advertising test. It was important for us to test all scenarios before offering the materials to our customers and future customers. After all, in out of home advertising, you have to take into consideration the force majeure of nature. 4 seasons include snow, rain, wind, sun, hail and much more. That's why we have thoughtfully decided now for the offered solution. We now offer to customers a more sustainable option for MEGAframes and MEGAboards (Classic and Backlight).

MEGABOARD produziert PVC-frei

Here are the MEGA advantages:


  • The materials do not contain any plasticizers that are harmful to health and the environment

  • The materials can be recycled in a more resource-friendly way.

  • The materials are significantly lighter and thus reduce Co2 and costs during transport.

To effectively raise awareness for PVC-free, we have created our own label. If desired, our customers can also apply the label to their campaigns and thus make the right statement to the outside world.

Bsp.: MEGAboard an der Autobahn

Bsp.: MEGAgerüst an der Votivkirche

Additionally the MEGABOARD portfolio has been offering some environmentally friendly options for quite some time.
More and more campaigns are communicating the message "Think about the environment" and that's why the following advertising materials are the perfect choice for your next campaign:

  • Flying Media
  • Projections
  • Streetbrandings - Reverse Graffiti


MEGABOARD advertising options and forms of advertising can be clearly found in our "Outdoor Advertising" section.

It is important for us to offer our customers an alternative to raise awareness for a more sustainable future.
Dear customers  take care of our earth, because unfortunately there is no plan B.

Are you interested? Feel free to get in touch with us