Alles Bühne: das MEGAgerüst am Theater an der Wien
  • En-De

Babenbergerstraße 5

MEGAscaffold: MEGAgerüst: located at Babenbergerstraße 5, centrally located in the prestigious 1st district, is characterised by its first-class location in the immediate vicinity of the Museumsquartier, Mariahilfer Straße, important museums and the Burggarten.

  • 1010 Wien
  • U-Bahn-Nähe
  • 50 - 100 m²
  • urban


... let‘s get ready for digital!

  • an Autobahnen

Burggasse 51

MEGAscaffold: our new location is on a busy one-way street towards the Ring and the Volkstheater, surrounded by many cafés, restaurants, fashion labels and vintage shops.

Maria vom Siege

MEGAscaffold: Directly on the Gürtel, one of the busiest streets in Vienna, this location scores points for its optimal visibility among pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and motorists. Over 1.7 million contact opportunities are possible here.

Mariahilfer Straße

MEGAfaçade: This 126 m² advertising space is located directly on Mariahilfer Straße, highly visible and right next to the U3 station Neubaugasse. Thanks to numerous stores and restaurants, you can reach almost 1 million contact opportunities here.

MEGAshopping Donau Zentrum

Advertise with our MEGAshopping advertising spaces at Vienna's largest shopping center, the Donau Zentrum!

MEGAshopping SCS

Advertise with our MEGAshopping advertising spaces at Austria's largest shopping center, Shopping City Süd!


MEGAscaffold: In the middle of the Austrian capital, there is probably no location more exclusive than St. Stephen's Cathedral! Over 1.6 million contact opportunities are possible here on 14 days.


Stephansdom - Rotenturmstraße

MEGAscaffold: In the middle of the center of the Austrian capital, directly at the world-famous St. Stephen's Cathedral, the "landmark of Vienna", we offer a unique advertising opportunity.

Theater an der Wien

MEGAgscaffold: is located directly on the left-hand side of the Wienzeile, Vienna's main traffic artery heading west, on the building of the Theatre an der Wien at the level of the Naschmarkt.